Donate to Moment and we will send you our fabulous new fiction anthology e-book as a gift

Donate to Moment and support our important work. Independent journalism is more critical than ever before!

As a special thank you for your donation, we will give you Good Karma, an exciting celebration of Jewish-themed short stories selected from among the winners of the Moment Magazine Karma Foundation Fiction Contest, featuring award winning writers Jason K. Friedman, Miriam Karmel, Racelle Rosett, Steven Volynets, Leah Lax and Lauren Watel.

Once again, thank you for your support.

Suggested donation:  $18



Good Karma e-book

Don’t miss this exciting collection of Jewish-themed short stories selected from among the winners of the Moment Magazine Karma Foundation Fiction Contest, featuring award-winning writers Jason K. Friedman, Miriam Karmel, Racelle Rosett, Leah Lax, Steven Volynets and Lauren Watel. An exclusive Moment e-book! (MomentBooks)